. . . for FOTM’s 97th Caption Contest!
We had a great turnout, with many really funny and clever captions!
FOTM writers dutifully voted for what we each considered to be the #1 and #2 captions. Each #1 vote is worth 3 points; every #2 vote is worth 2 points.
And the clear winner of the 97th world-famous FOTM Caption Contest, with four #1 votes and one #2 vote, totaling 14 points, is . . . .
Here’s his winning caption:
Another Justin caption is our 2nd-place runner-up, with one #1 vote and two #2 votes, totaling 7 points. Here’s the caption:
7 people more qualified to be president than Hillary Rodham Clinton.
truckjunkie is in 3rd place, with one #1 vote and one #2 vote, totaling 5 points. Here’s his caption:
A group of Hillary Supporters are planning to show America the TRUE meaning of “Bats**t-Crazy” by “Sailing Around the World for Hillary” in a North/South circumnavigation.
evh is in 4th place, with one #1 vote and 3 points. Here’s the caption:
All the bats are leaving the belfry. When Hillary moves up there, too many squirrels will be coming in looking for nuts.
Lola, remembertheeagle, and Scott M. are in 5th place, each with one #2 vote and 2 points. Here are their respective captions:
In case you were wondering where all of the ACORN workers went…
No sign of Robin because they are robin’ us blind! Now to the Bat Cave before they make us their rat slave!
Harry Reid’s personal trainers warming up
Well done, everyone!
Congratulations, Justin!
Here is your fancy-schmancy Award Certificate of Great Excellence, all ready for framing! LOL
For all the other caption submissions, go here.
Be here tomorrow for our next very exciting caption contest!
Seen any good pics that you think would be great for our Caption Contest? Email them to us!