As Thanksgiving is celebrated in homes this weekend, we would like to stop for a moment and give thanks for all that we have and are able to do.
As music fans, we are thankful for the abundance of new music we are able to discover and listen to on a regular basis. Whether those new songs and albums come from artists that we already know, or they are sent to us by bands that we've never heard of, those opportunities are awesome and we're lucky and thankful to have them.
We are also thankful for the chances we have to see so much live music. At small clubs, on big stages, and at major festivals, we get to see artists sweat and scream and croon and cry as they give part of themselves to the audience in front of them. There's nothing in the world quite like the feeling we get when an artist and audience find each other perfectly, and we're thankful for those rare moments.

Trish and I also need to express our deep gratitude for the fact that we have always felt safe when attending these live shows. Yes, there are moments of anxiety that sweep through us sometimes, but when all is said and done, we're free to watch, listen, document, and enjoy the experience that we're having. We know that not everyone gets that. We cry and grieve for the lives lost in Manchester and Las Vegas this year by live music fans. We are grateful for the first responders who helped to save as many lives as possible. And we send our thoughts and prayers to everyone impacted by those events.
We're thankful as well for music fans. Across all genres, from all countries, music fans are amazing communities that come together to celebrate big hits, sing along to their favourites, and give artists the opportunity to keep doing what they love and are meant to do. We get to see a lot of familiar faces when we go to concerts, award shows, and conferences, and these fans are what keep the wheel turning.

And those artists that the fans love, we are thankful for them too! We have had the good fortune to meet, get to know, and hug it out with some amazingly talented musicians and singers and performers over the years. And while some, like Scott Weiland, may no longer be with us, we're thankful for all of the opportunities we have to share the same time and space with talented and driven individuals.

At the risk of forgetting important people in our lives, we also want to express our thanks for our family, friends and collaborators. These are the people that help us to live our lives, support us, push us forward, and allow us to do what we do. Thank you to them.
Lastly, though not the last thing on the list of things we're thankful for in our lives, we are thankful for music. The emotion, escape, therapy, love, comfort, and inspiration that music provides to us is immeasurable and invaluable. As content creators in the music world, we rely on music... but as fans and ordinary day-to-day people, music is vital to our lives and we can't imagine a world without it.
We are thankful for music.