Family Magazine

Way Back When-esday

By Hollyshaun0528 @TwinglesMom42
Ever have one of those days where you just don't feel like doing anything...but you know that's never an option because you're a parent? Yeah. Today was one of those days. I've had a headache since 10am and while I know I ought not complain because I have it pretty damn good, I've just felt blah all day (except when grandma and grandpa came over - they played with the kids and brought gifts from their vacation, which was lots of fun).
So I decided going through old photos may be somewhat of a cure. It was.  :)

Way Back When-esday

Sweet sleeping twins (at about 3 weeks old)

Way Back When-esday

Precious baby #3 (at about 6 weeks old)

And if you really want to go waaayyy back, here's one of us before kids. As of July 18th of this year, we have been somewhat inseparable for 10 years. And I love him more today than I ever have.

Way Back When-esday

Taken in 2004

Way Back When-esday

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