I love doing my hair nicely, but often neglect it because of the time it takes. And since going shorter about half a year ago, I've been leaving it more and more to just do its own thing partly out of laziness, and partly because I just didn't really know how else to style it. Anyway, I thought I'd change all that and have a go at experimenting more with my hair - first stop - effortless waves, the style that suits everybody whether your hair falls above your shoulders or down by your waist.
And here's the fuss free guide to creating the look:
To start with, and no matter what technique you are going to be using to create your waves, hair needs to be in good condition and moisturised, because the wavy look doesn't go well with frizz. I would really recommend Moroccan Oil to get lots of moisture in your hair and leave that super glossy and healthy look to it without weighing it down. Next step, creating the waves. There are many different ways to go about this, from plaiting wet hair and leaving it over night, to using straighteners, but my favorite has to be with a good old fashioned hair curling tong. All I do is, taking 1 inch sections of hair at a time, wrap them round the barrel for about 10/15 seconds before releasing and then brushing through with my fingers. It's such a quick and easy way to add a little wave and to finish the look off and add a little texture I usually go in with my favorite volumising spray at the roots.
Are you a fan of undone waves, if so what's your favorite styling method?