Hair & Beauty Magazine

Water Jetting Your Drains Comes With 3 Key Advantages

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Drains are integral plumbing components that must be managed properly to avoid problems with their function. Maintenance involves water jetting the drains to clear them of debris. Homeowners must learn about the benefits of water jetting to ensure they take the right measures to protect their drains and keep them functioning effectively.

What Is Water Jetting?

Water jetting, also known as hydro jetting, is a technique plumbers use to clean drain pipes and remove clogs. This process uses high-powered water jets to scour the insides of the drain pipes, ensuring the walls are clean and proper flow has been returned. This process easily breaks up stubborn clogs and restores the normal function of the drain. Melbourne Jetter Centre offers water jetting services to its customers.

What Are the Three Key Advantages of Water Jetting?

There are many benefits to seeking water jetting for drain pipes. These plumbing services keep drains clean and prevent nasty clogs that can result in the backflow of raw sewage. Consider the advantages below.

Environmentally Friendly

Instead of using caustic drain cleaners that are bad for the environment, water jetting only uses water, so it is safe for humans, pets, and wildlife. Water jetting removes clogs completely, so there is no residual matter that will reclog the drain. Regular water jetting protects the normal function of drain pipes.

Highly Efficient

Plumbers use water jetting to remove stubborn drain pipe clogs because it is the most effective method. The extreme force of the water penetrates deep into the clog, blasting it into pieces and pushing them down the line. Snaking the drain pipes can lead to damage. Caustic cleaners cause corrosion in the lines, which can lead to eventual breaks. Water jetting is the fastest and safest way to remove stubborn clogs.

Hot Water Offers Superior Cleaning

When people wash their greasy dishes at home, hot water is the catalyst that breaks apart the greasy hair and food buildups in the drain. Utilizing hot water allows plumbers to quickly and effectively remove even the most stubborn of clogs without causing damage to the drain pipes or putting their customers in danger. Hot water jetting is especially effective in eliminating clogs caused by fats, oils, and greases.

How Often Should Homeowners Seek Water Jetting?

Plumbers recommend homeowners seek water jetting services every two years. Water jetting offers preventative maintenance that can help homeowners avoid annoying clogs and backflow of raw sewage into their homes.

Starting regular maintenance helps homeowners protect their plumbing components. The drain lines are critical for ushering wastewater away from the home safely. A single clog can cause the entire plumbing system to begin to malfunction.

Avoid Drain Pipe Clogs With Water Jetting

Water jetting removes stubborn clogs such as mineral buildups, sand, silt, grease and deposits, hair, and tree roots. Water jetting services should only be carried out by a licensed plumber to ensure pipe damage does not occur.

Neglecting your pipes can have lasting ramifications on your plumbing system. Signs you need water jetting include drain smells, plumbing backups, noisy or gurgling pipes, and frequent clogs.

Schedule regular maintenance to ensure your plumbing system operates effectively. Professional plumbers help you care for your plumbing system and keep the drains operating as they should for fewer clogs and backups in the home.

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