Gaming Magazine
Watch Dogs Launching Worldwide on May 27, Ubisoft Confirms
Posted on the 06 March 2014 by Sameo452005 @iSamKuliiWatch Dogs will launch May 27 worldwide Ubisoft has confirmed, after the trailer announcing the date leaked ahead of time.
“We are pleased to be able to reveal to gamers all over the world the new release date for Watch Dogs™,” said Geoffroy Sardin, EMEA SVP of sales and marketing at Ubisoft. “We are extremely confident that the additional time we afforded the dev team to refine and polish the game will be more than worth the wait.”
Players who purchase Watch Dogson either PlayStation 3 or PS4 will have exclusive access to 60 minutes of additional gameplay via the PSN.
“We’re really excited for the launch of Watch Dogs on both PS3 and PS4 and are confident that it will prove to be one of the standout games of 2014,” said SCEA’s Michael Pattison. “It’s a unique and visionary game and we believe that the exclusive content available via PSN will not only excite gamers, but showcase how PlayStation is a preferred destination for Watch Dogs.”
Watch Dogs will be made available on May 27 for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The Wii U version will release at a later date. The new trailer is below.