Food & Drink Magazine

Warburtons Soft Brown Sandwich Thins - Asda's Tickled Pink Campaign

By Grocerygems @grocerygems
Warburtons Soft Brown Sandwich Thins - Asda's Tickled Pink Campaign
In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Asda's Tickled Pink campaign has launched a range of gorgeous pink products which will be available instore through September and October. Warburtons Soft Brown Sandwich Thins are just one of the products that have been Tickled with Pink and 10p from each pack sold will be donated to the 2015 Tickled Pink fund, helping to support the over half a million women in the UK currently living with or after a diagnosis of breast cancer.
Warburtons Soft Brown Sandwich Thins - Asda's Tickled Pink Campaign
Warburtons Soft Brown Sandwich Thins are a healthier alternative to bread that are also incredibly versatile too. Each sliced Sandwich Thin has 100 calories and I like to use them for lunchtime sandwiches or toasted and served with soup. Even though they re thinner than sliced bread, they're still lovely and satisfying for lunch and it's easy to justify adding a bit extra to the filling!
Warburtons Soft Brown Sandwich Thins - Asda's Tickled Pink Campaign
There are lots of other Tickled Pink products available at Asda also, including these fluffy pink ribbon George slippers and a gorgeous Raspberry Shower Scrub from NSPA Fruit Extracts.
Warburtons Soft Brown Sandwich Thins - Asda's Tickled Pink Campaign
Warburtons Sandwich Thins are £1.28p including the 10p donation. They are available instore and online at 
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