I dare you to find a female who hasn’t uttered the phrase, “I need to lose weight!” I bet it is nearly impossible. At some point in our lives, we’ve all tried to drop a pound or two.
However, some of us manage to do it safer and more efficiently than others. If we don’t lose weight in a healthy way, we can lose other things that are important to us – like our hair.
And what is the point of getting skinny and looking good if our hair is falling out in clumps?!

photo credit: cosmo
Hair Loss Is More Common Than You Think
The average person loses about one hundred hairs per day. When your hair does not grow back at the same rate as the loss, you will experience a loss of locks.
Dieters frequently experience hair loss because of nutritional deficiencies. That’s the bad news; fortunately there is good news. The good news is that this hair loss does not have to be permanent.
If you eat the right foods and maintain a healthy and well balance diet, you can correct this unbalance. Learn how you can shed those unwanted pounds without parting ways with your precious locks.
Gradual Weight Loss
Gradual weight loss is not only better for your body and health, but it is better for your hair. Sudden weight loss occurs when the body does not get enough calories and nutrients. The body can dip into a ‘starvation mode’ which causes the weight to drop off.
Too much exercise can cause stress to your system as well. With the combined stress and lack of nutrients, it should be no surprise that your hair is dropping as fast as your weight.
Strike up a healthy diet of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Stay away from foods that have saturated fats.
Protein and Iron
Protein and iron should be mainstays for your diet. Foods low in certain fats and proteins will cause hair loss because you are not getting enough nutrients.
Foods that contain a lot of protein will also give you iron, zinc and B6. To maintain your protein levels, choose foods like beef, milk, fish, eggs, cheese, and soy. To boost your iron, consume red meat, egg yolks, spinach, kidney beans, shellfish, pork, cashews, dates, and figs.
Many of these foods are also a great source of vitamin B12. This essential nutrient helps maintain your metabolism, which will make weight loss easier. Plus, vitamin B12 injections help boost your energy, making it easier to stay motivated about your exercise routine.
Zinc is an essential nutrient for the proper maintenance of your hair. A lack of zinc will cause your hair to thin. Try adding some oysters to your diet. If oysters are not to your liking, try some crab, lobster, baked beans, or cashews.
Your body require fatty acids. Your hair especially needs omega-3 and omega-6. Fatty acids help your hair, skin, and nails to grow. Try some salmon, herring, sardines, halibut, trout and mackerel. Talk to your doctor about omega supplements as they can come with some adverse side effects.
While fatty acids promote new growth, silica will strengthen your hair and prevent hair breakage. Fruits and vegetables along with rice and oats are great sources of silica. Remember that it is better to eat your vegetables raw.
If you are noticing that your hair is thinning or falling out at advanced rates, re-examine your lifestyle. Are you cutting calories, yet still eating plenty of nutritious foods? If not, your hair will suffer big time. Are you overly stressing your body with your exercise routine? If so, your hair will retaliate.
Remember, when dieting, balance is key. There is no point in focusing on one aspect of your appearance and letting another slide. Shed those pounds but keep your hair.
Lindsey Dahlberg is a health and fitness writer. Today, she is drawing from personal experience. Despite the addition of healthy vitamin B12 injections into her weight loss plan, she still experienced hair loss. After consulting a medical professional, Lindsey learned she was cutting out too many vital nutrients from her diet. Now, she helps other weight loss hopefuls stay healthy; in addition to guest blogging, Lindsey is also a regular contributor to a health and nutrition site about B12 shots.