Lifestyle Magazine

Want Longer, Fuller Eyelashes? Check Out My Review of Lashipix

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

Want Longer, Fuller Eyelashes?  Check Out My Review of Lashipix In a quest for longer, fuller eyelashes I recently started using Lashipix, an eyelash a serum that claims to create longer fuller eyelashes and brows.  The product  contains a variety of ingredients including Sodium Hyaluronate (Hyaluronic Acid) andRetinyl Palmitate (Vitamin-A) which the site claims have been clinically proven to safely enhance eyelashes and eyebrows.  Lashipix also contains a proprietary blend of ingredients, Pentack – 5, which has also been clinically proven to improve the appearance of damaged eyelashes and eyebrows.

So, did it work for me?  Well after a month of using it, I have some results and feedback about the product.

Normally, whenever there is a required use time to see results of any beauty product it isn’t uncommon of me to stop using it, either out of boredom or just forgetting.  However, this product was so easy to use (just a swipe across the upper and lower lids like eyeliner after I wash my face at night, before I apply moisturizer), that I’ve been keeping up with it and, I have to admit, have been seeing a difference.

Want Longer, Fuller Eyelashes?  Check Out My Review of Lashipix

The top photo is of my eyelashes on the first day that I started using Lashipix, the bottom was taken this morning.  The before and after comparison may not be all that extreme, but if you look at the photo on the bottom, you can see that my lashes are a bit longer.   It takes 4-6 weeks to start seeing results, but I noticed smaller results much sooner.

The one thing I noticed is new eyelash growth shortly after using.  Oddly, the new eyelashes were lighter than my existing eyelashes.   Another bizarre thing I noticed that, since using Lashipix, I’ve needed to tweeze my eyebrows often.  I’m not sure if this is some strange coincidence or if the Lashipix has anything to do with that, especially considering I don’t use the product on my eyebrows.

The cost of Lashipix is $69.95 and they currently have a buy 2 get one free sale on their site.  While the price may seem a bit steep, you don’t need a prescription for this and studies have shown that 100% of women tested experienced a significant increase in the appearance of eyelash fullness and length.  That’s a pretty good guarantee.

Having smaller eyes, I really love this product.  Since using it I’ve noticed that my eyes look bigger and I don’t need as much eye makeup any longer like I used to need to make my eyes stand out.  It’s definitely worth the investment if longer, fuller lashes is something you’ve been looking for.

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