Passionate people inspire me, especially people who are passionate about a cause. Wanda Kelley is such a person. Her mission is to educate the public, in particular parents and caregivers, about environmental toxins that affect everyone in today’s world. Through her website, A Health Café, Wanda helps people create safer and healthier home environments. At the Health Café you will also find well-researched articles about diet and exercise, and many useful tips on how to live the healthiest life possible.
Vistit A Health Cafe
SE: Wanda, what is the driving force behind your passion about educating people on healthy living? Wanda: I love people in general and want to help them and their families through educating them - I want them to be able to keep their loved ones safer and healthier. SE: At Health Café you warn us about everyday household items that contain toxins which have been linked to cancer. How did you first become aware of the negative health impact that many regular household products present? Wanda: I have a family member who had a child five years ago that was born with a severe birth defect. She was told that the baby would not survive past one month, and that was if they were lucky. It has been five years now, and the child is still alive and is thriving even though he has severe learning disabilities. SE: What do you say to people who think it’s too difficult to create a healthier home? How do you motivate them to make better choices? Wanda: I give them my research that I have conducted over the last 4 months, which is backed by other companies as well such as the EPA, Healthy Child Health World, RM Berry, and that's just to name a few. Drop in at the Health Café: stop by Wanda’s other sites too: see the post below for important information about Toxic Chemicals and our Children’s Health.