All the current fuss about horsemeat takes me back to once
upon a time when I acted for a client, let’s call him Mr Orson Cart. (I stress,
of course, that any resemblance to anyone alive or dead of this name is totally
coincidental.) Mr Cart was a polite and distinguished gentleman whose
marriage had descended into a difficult period following the birth of a fourth
child. When I first met him, he complained that his wife who was a lover of all
things equine was forever putting her horses before the Carts. He had
repeatedly asked her to sell them but to no avail.A meeting or two later, I detected a sense of paranoia when
he told me that the horses had disappeared. I assumed that his wife had finally
sold them but Mr Cart was not so sure. It transpired that his wife had
organised a barbecue two or three days after their disappearance and, when he’d
commented how good her homemade burgers tasted, she’d done no more than smile. The next day he had awoken with a severe case of “the trots”
and realising that his wife may have referred to filly steak as opposed to
fillet, he was convinced that he had been poisoned. He duly visited his GP, who
sympathised and advised him that he should watch what he ate.I asked Mr Cart what action he wished me to take concerning
the matter. However, he told me that I would have to wait for further
instructions because, on doctor’s orders, he was going to Epsom to watch The