We hope everyone had a wonderful (and filling) Thanksgiving break!
We've had a bustling boot-making season this year—possibly one of our busiest ever! Our cozy sheepskin boots are flying out the door as fast as we can sew them, and it's very fun for us to see the wonderful color combinations that our creative customers choose when they design their own.
This fall, we've seen some of the most memorable kids' Phoenix boots ever to come out of our workshop. It isn't unusual for us to snap a photo of a favorite pair right before they ship out (often for our Design-Your-Own Shoe of the Week), so we've developed a bit of a collection.
Now we'd like to know which ones YOU like best!
Tell us your opinion by voting for your favorite boot colors below. There's no competition here... this is just for fun and to help us know which colors you like (which could affect our future collection colors).
You can vote for up to 5 different boots. No registration required. Simply scroll down, check the boots you like best and click "Vote" at the bottom.
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