In recent years, computers have been making huge gains in speech recognition and visual processing – even outpacing humans at certain tasks. This rate of this progress is very fast and very exciting, and would’ve been disbelieved by experts in the field even a decade ago.
So, where are we headed now? Awesome places, says Expect Labs CEO Tim Tuttle, who has been researching and writing A.I. software for the past twenty years:
As AI systems get closer to understanding the full breadth of human knowledge, they will become much better at answering all kinds of questions. Eventually, machine learning techniques will be used to help computer scientists develop a universal intelligent assistant that understands a large fraction of all of human knowledge. Human knowledge, while vast, is not infinite. In fact, researchers estimate that a corpus of 100 to 500 billion concepts or “entities” would likely begin to approach the full extent of all useful human knowledge. With deep learning techniques getting better and better at extracting patterns from massive, internet-scale data sets, many AI researchers see the steps toward a form of generalized intelligence coming into focus.
Check out more of Tim Tuttle’s ideas in his piece for TechCrunch.