Hi Folks, We girls love our handbags. You know why we take so much time to decide which handbag we should buy. It is because a handbag is something which is our constant companion. Girls are known to carry their world in their handbags. Once my father joked that why you buy a handbag instead buys an air bag. Yes, that's true I load and stuff my handbag with a number of things which I think is important but in reality, it isn't. Well, whatever I cannot ever throw my handbag belongings. And one such constant and a "Must Have" companion in my handbag is "LIP BALM". Being blessed or rather cursed with extremely dry lips, I have to always carry a lip balm with myself. So, this is the review of a lip balm which I bought recently - VLCC Lovable Lips Strawberry Lip Balm.
Product Claims :
- VLCC Lovable Lips Strawberry moisturizes and softens your lips.
- This lip balm comes in a fruity strawberry flavor.
- It is packaged in a handy pop-up stick that makes it easy to use and carry in your bag.
Shelf Life : 24 months from the date of packaging
Directions to use : Scrub your lips with sugar granules. Rinse the lips with water and dry it using a soft towel. Apply the lip balm on your lips. Let it dry for some time. If you want to build up the color you can re-apply once more.
Packaging / Availability: The VLCC Lip balm comes in a pretty simple roll on tube packaging. It is extremely small and thus very easy to carry. Who won't love a lip balm that fits easily in your pocket? You can re-apply and do a touch up whenever you want. The lip balm has entire product details and claims mentioned on it. You need to twist the bottom part of the lip balm so that the lip balm comes out. But by mistake, if you end up twisting it a bit more then the entire thing can break and fall down. So, take care while twisting it.
Texture : Coming to the texture of the lip balm it is extremely soft. I feel it is made up of pure wax which is really very smooth. But the texture is a bit thick too. That is the major reason why it doesn't blend into the lips.
But here comes the difficult part, the texture of the lip balm is more like a wax. It is thick and not easily blendable on lips. It does not settle onto lips easily. Rather it settles into lip lines. And this lip line settlement is immediate. Even when in the morning I apply this lip balm it turns into flakes. It is not at all moisturizing rather it is sticky on lips. Yes, it has a layer of moisturization underneath but a lipstick application over it makes the finish quite messy. And this lip balm on its own also makes the entire look untidy.
Pigmentation : VLCC Lovable Lips Strawberry Lip Balm is extremely poor in terms of pigmentation. It is a clear lip balm which is very sheer and even if you re-apply it 100 times, it won't serve the purpose. Rather it will make the entire application extremely untidy.
Shade : Shade of the lip balm is more on an orange side. But the orange is not a very bright one. Instead, it is a very subtle and wearable one. I think all Indian skin tones can very easily wear this color.
Economy : You need to use a little amount per usage. So, a single tube will easily survive for months.