I have some fun news to share about this site. I have just added a style forum! I have been wanting to do this for years and have been looking around for the right way to do it. There are a few reasons I wanted to add this feature.
First, I love the idea of community and I really love that so many of you visit here and learn so much! Even if I don't get back to you when you send me an email, I read each one, along with all your wonderful blog post comments (which I am a lot better about replying to). Second, I get a lot of emails from readers with very specific fashion and style questions. While I would love to turn every question into a blog post, I can't. Sometimes the questions are too specific and don't translate well into a post, and other times I just don't have the time. I type fast, really fast, but not that fast. I like the idea of giving all of you a community forum to post your questions, get feedback from and others, while also sharing ideas and support.
When I was creating my business 12 years ago, someone gave me the advice that I should always communicate with readers and fans in a way that makes them feel like they are pulling up a chair and sharing a cup of coffee with me, like I am a good friend who just happens to know a lot about fashion. This has been my constant goal and something that I strive for daily. Blogging can sometimes be a lonely existence, and if I am not running around with clients it's usually me, my laptop and my two cats who sleep most of the day and are horrible company. Being able to connect with all of you regularly reminds me that I am not sitting blogging to nobody.
Be sure to visit the Style Forum for the Oscars!
Oh and one last thing about the new style forum. If you follow me on Facebook you probably know that for the past five years I have always done live fashion commentary updates there. What started as a fluke when I was stuck in a Florida hotel room for work during the Golden Globes turned into a tradition. Every year people beg me to do these updates, telling me they can't watch award shows without me chiming in with my funny posts about what people are wearing. However, over the past year, with all the changes that Facebook has gone through with their algorithms, doing live updates there isn't as ideal as it used to be. So this year, I am moving the live, real time commentary to the forum and I am inviting all of you to visit it then and join in on the conversation, or at least lurk. Seriously, I promise you it will be funny, especially if a lot of people join in!! And what a great way to christen the forum!! Consider it all of us smashing a bottle of bubbly on it.
In the meantime, I hope you will stop by the style forum now, get involved, ask questions, help others and use it to further your own style journey. Keep in mind the forum is only about 48 hours so, while there is already some great content on there, this is just the beginning. I will be popping in, commenting, answering questions, posting some fun style challenges, etc.. However, what I really want you to build this forum and see it as a fun, safe and encouraging little playground in which to connect with others, in addition to myself.
So to more fun, here we go!