Gaming Magazine

Visceral Games Says It Didn’t Copy Failed Police Warfare Kickstarter

Posted on the 10 June 2014 by Sameo452005 @iSamKulii
Visceral Games says it didn’t copy failed Police Warfare Kickstarter
Battlefield: Hardline developer Visceral Games has been asked about similarities between its shooter and the nature of failed cops versus crooks Kickstarter FPS Police Warfare.
While visiting Visceral at EA’s Redwood Shores studio, MP1st quizzed Battlefield: Hardline’s lead multiplayer Thaddeus Sasser about any connection between both projects.
“To my knowledge, there is none,” he replied, and added, “So, if you go and think about a cops and robbers game set in the Battlefield universe, you’re going to come to a lot of the same kind of conclusions we arrived at.”
“So, this is one of my favorite things in the industry. I like to call it ‘design convergence,’” he went on. “Smart people thinking about the same subjects often arrive and some very similar ideas, and I don’t think that this means games are derivative or that this one is necessarily copying that one or the other. You see a lot that in the media.
“No, I think the game is kind of its own creation, and once you start to think about the breath of what Battlefield has to offer, and the ways we’re spinning it, I think you’ll see that this is its own game. It’s not copying any other game.
“It’s not based on any other game. It’s not – I’ve seen this game compared to everything from – oh man, you name it. If it’s a modern shooter and it’s got anything vaguely related to cops and robbers, we’ve been compared to it. So, I think you’re inevitably going to draw those comparisons.”
Battlefield: Hardline launches October 21 on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

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