The Virtual Vegan Potluck is Only 10 Days Away! Reminders for Participants

For those of you who have already signed up, a few reminders:
- First of all, THANKS to all of you who have already sent in your permalinks! Receiving this info early has already made a huge difference in the organization of this Potluck.
- If you haven’t sent me your permalinks: They must be received by midnight U.S. ET on November 9. Bloggers who do not send me their permalinks will not be included in the Potluck. (FYI permalinks will not be active until posts go live on the day of the Potluck – Nov. 15 or 16 depending on where one is in the world).
- You can find VVP buttons (GoBack! and GoForward!) on the Resources page of this blog. You can add these buttons to your blog post and use them to link to the blog ahead of yours and after yours. (For instructions on how to link images to websites, see the How It Works page).
- Potluck participants will be receiving the permalinks that are relevant to them (i.e., the blog before and the blog after theirs) several days prior to the Potluck. Bloggers are responsible for updating these links in their blog post with these links. Please do so prior to the event.
- Please make sure you schedule your Potluck posts correctly so that all of our posts publish at the same time. Get the correct time for your location from the How It Works page. If you don’t know how to schedule your post, you can also find that information on the How It Works page.
- Finally, please take a good, hard look at the November 2013 page. Find your blog and confirm that all of the info is correct – including that you are listed in the correct course. If there is an error, please email your mentor or me immediately.
If you have questions or need help setting up your posts, please email your mentor. You received their name/email addresses in the email I sent out when you signed up for the Potluck.
Appetizers: Rachael
Beverages: Keely
Breads: Kamila
Soups: Annie
Salads: Keely
Sides: Lielz
Mains: Barb
Dessert: Angela
The final list of participants will be available on the Potlucks/November 2013 page on the website late November 10 or early November 11. Until then, the list is a draft list only!