Talented duo Violent Mae alternate between their hometown of Connecticut and New York, playing an infectious brand of sleepy-stoner-rock. Becky Kessler and Floyd Kellogg have their own respectable musical backgrounds, but with their powers combined, they’ve created a force to be reckoned with. The partnership focuses on guitars, including a prominent pedal steel sound, country-twinged strums and slow, relaxing, interlocked melodies. The band mentioned in one interview that much of their recording was done “on a rainy day with the windows open,” and that’s also the perfect setting to listen to Violent Mae.
Also featured are Kessler’s low registered, PJ Harvey-esque vocals and an earthy, raw production value, both of which lead to a truly relaxing listening experience. The band is releasing a long awaited LP sometime this Fall, but until we can get our hands on it, sway along to their single, “Worn Out My Welcome.”