Tech Magazine

Videscape – The First Alternative to Youtube

Posted on the 28 September 2014 by Devender Singh @DevenderSingh93

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If you are a video creator,editor,publisher or a guy who loves to watch videos online or related to video stuff anyhow than this post is for you only!!!

Well,All of us are aware of and we use it a lot but what if I tell you that something better than Youtube is live on the internet now?

Yes, – The first and biggest independent video sharing/hosting platform is offering its awesome services to its users free of cost.

Why Join

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Just follow these 3 simple steps and you are ready to roll in and earn big bucks.Unlike Youtube,you don’t need to get large number of views to earn on and you get all the benefits and features you are using on YouTube.

Also,The minimum threshold amount for requesting payout is only 25$.

In fact,You can also upload your music tracks with a music album cover art and share it on the platform to earn and get paid for it.

Can I upload my videos on both Youtube & Videscape(Beta):

Yes,The best part is you can upload your videos and music content on both Youtube and videscape(Beta) platform.

How many channels can I have?

There is no restriction on creating number of user accounts, You can use a Facebook login for your personal account, twitter login for your brand account and email for your lovers account!

Read the FAQ’s here:

videscape logo


Features to be coming soon:

  1. YouTube content importer for transferring your videos hassle free
  2. Play listing (both private and public)
  3. An intelligent Algorithm for related videos
  4. Earnings/Payment system with active notifications
  5. User notification system
  6. In-house Transcoder thus reducing platform costs further
  7. Batch upload capabilities
  8. Additional security and further refinement on stability
  9. Audio Upload
  10. Audio ripping from Video uploads for easy music selling by artists
  11. Generic videos consisting of visualization to make sharing and streaming audio only more user and consumer visually appealing
  12. Audio and product commerce system (sell your music/merchandise/products right underneath the relevant videos)
  13. Revised payment gateway to reduce transaction charges with all profit increases passed onto the content creator
  14. Content ID system
  15. Integration of Event and Gig Listings (Buy tickets right underneath band videos)
  16. Full Marketplace for multiple vendors
  17. Intelligent ‘Suggestions’ Algorithm

Use this link to Sign up:





Disclaimer:This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of,All text&opinions are mine.

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