2 Dalmatians prepare for a fierce tricycle competition | YouTube/Guinness World Records

This K-9 contestant gears up for the big race | YouTube/Guinness World Records
JAPAN – If you thought Norman the Braird was an incredible testament to canine agility, wait 'til you see the fierce tricycle race between these two full-grown Dalmatians!In a Guinness World Record of 37.59 seconds set for the Fastest Time for a Dog to Cycle 20 meters on a Tricycle, see the priceless expressions on these pooches!

Fierce competitors | YouTube/Guinness World Records
With sheer determination, each dog climbs on their cycle with paws positioned over the petals and handle bars. With their hind legs, they propel themselves forward with agility and strength like a truth canine athlete. Which dog do you think will take the gold? The ending may surprise you.
Can you guess which Dalmatian will win the 20 meter race? | YouTube/Guinness World Records
VIDEO: 2 Dalmatians race to the finish for a Guinness World Record!