Video, Sale Shopping And Me : Excitement And Nervousness
I am super duper excited and super duper nervous about today's post..excited because it is the first video post and nervous also because it is the first video on the blog.Up until now we have been interaction through mails , comments and pictures...this post will change all can you blame me for being nervous??
I thought making the video would be a challenge but turns out that's the easy bit, what follows is the real challenge. The editing, and COMPRESSING ughhhh...I still have not got it right.
Anyway...I can go on and on complaining...but I wont...
Go on please watch the video, enjoy it (plss), like it and subscribe...and oh before I forget the video is about my Sale Shopping Tips And Haul...
What did you think of the video and my purchases? Tell me tell me please...
Also, do you know of a great and easy to use software to compress videos for upload? Would be very helpful..Thanks
I have to say thank you to Milli for lugging my orange shoes all the way from LA to Pune. want to look good and feel fab always?? Join us