TV & Video Magazine

Video: Live From The TB Set

Posted on the 20 June 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover


In case you missed it…or want to watch it again…True Blood Season 6: Live from the Set is now available to watch online! Yay!

@unfoRETTable, who plays Donna on Parks & Recreation is a huge True Blood fan, asked the cast questions from fans LIVE on the True Blood set (Fangtasia).

Watch the entire video below!

It was pleasing to see Alex, Anna, Stephen and Kristin sitting at the same table together. Alex was hysterical – with the added touch of drinking a fruity drink in a margarita glass. LOL They really seem like they have a lot of fun working together on set.

Here are a few gifs – thanks to marvelandwhimsy which proves it.




The cast were amusing to say the least…did anyone else notice Joe M. starting to pole dance at the very end? Alex looked like he was up to something too…judging from how he was peering around Anna at the camera.

The cast was great at answering our questions, weren’t they? Some of their answers make me go, hmmm though.

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