After a little tech snafu, our webinar video is finally online!
Top 4 Discount Card Fundraisers for Summer/Fall 2011 Webinar
July 7th, 2011 – Online marketing manager Michael Regina discusses the 4 featured discount card fundraisers. Championship Gold, Local Discount Card, ProShop Savings and Gift Cards.
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Questions Asked During the After-Presentation
Q: Are orders/reorders cumulative towards pricing discounts?
A: Both the Local Discount Card and the cards offer a bulk order discount, meaning the more you buy the less it will cost per card. Depending on the frequency of the re-orders we may be able to arrange a special discount.
Q: Is this a good fundraiser if your group is just getting started and had no funds available?A: All our fundraisers are flexible to both the new and experienced fundraisers. With the ‘Fundraise Now, Pay Later’ option you are able to raise funds up-front before paying.
Q: For the Pro-Savings card, If I order 200 cards for my club, and I return 100, how much do I pay for the 100 cards I returned?
A: These cards are offered on consignment, meaning the unused cards will be sold back to JustFundraising at $1 per card. To answer your question, you would pay $100 for the unsold cards.
Q: My question is about the Local Discount Cards, Out of the 75, what if there are a top 20 that we prefer?
A: If you have a top 20 merchants you are really interested in, please let us know and we will mark those as a priority from your list of 75.
Q: So we use the $50 credit on the cards to buy restaurant gift cards, is that right?
A: Actually, you will use the credits to redeem gift certificates at local restaurants. You may choose to use the whole $50 on one gift certificate, you 2 different restaurants at $25 each.
Q: For Championship Gold, What kind of packaging does the card appear in?
A: These cards come with a full color cardboard backing in 8×15 (Legal) size paper. The backing features logos from dozens of well-known merchants and brands, and makes an excellent selling tool. Discount Cards
Championship Gold
Local Discount Cards
ProShop Savings Card