Victors: take control of their life and emotions, view adversity as an opportunity to learn and grow, take action to make the world a better place, assume responsibility for their life
Victims: let emotions control them, view adversity as a reason to throw a fit and remain stagnant in the situation, complain about how awful the world is without doing anything about it, find someone/something to blame
Here's the thing: you get to choose every single day whether you want to be a victor or a victim. How awesome is that? Your attitude sets the tone for your day, not the circumstances that surround you. I make a conscious decision each morning to be in control of my emotions rather than letting them run the show. Do I succeed every day? Heck no. But I'm making an effort to be a victor.
I've found that my morning meditation helps me overcome any sort of victim mentality that creeps into my day. I'm more thankful, more aware, less stressed.
Which will you choose: are you a victor or a victim?
xo, Jess
P.S. The inspiration for this post: I finished up my meditation yesterday morning and I walked into the kitchen to find a huge pile of dog poop. I was on a time crunch and had to eat breakfast and get ready to head out to class. I saw the poop and started wailing, "Ugh why did you do this to me, Buck?" (so dramatic, I know). Then I started laughing at myself for saying that - do I really think that Buck conspired against me, planning to drop a pile just to ruin my morning? NO. Homeboy just needed to go and so he went. Funny how crappy (literally) situations can really help shift your mentality to a more positive one :)