Food & Drink Magazine

Veggie Egg Nests

By Greengirl @GrinGarl
Hi!!! I'm so happy to be back home and blogging again. I missed you all so much! Can't wait to catch up with all your wonderful dishes you shared while I was away visiting my family. (shared a couple of photos here)That you for all the wonderful comments and messages you left. I treasure each and everyone. I'd like to thank you to my wonderful friends who took the time to share delicious recipes. 
Garlic Parmesan Bubble from my friend Carolyn 

Veggie egg nests
Champagne Lemon and Black currant Cake from my friend Andreea
Veggie egg nests
Eggplant with Sesame Ponzu Sauce from my friend Nami
Veggie egg nests
Chena Sondesh / Curdle Milk Fudge from my friend Kankana 
Veggie egg nests
Meme's Dolma from my friend Christiane 
Veggie egg nests  Spicy Garlic and Zucchini Focaccia from my friend Sandra
Veggie egg nests
 Fruit Sauce from my friend Abeer 
Veggie egg nests
Hungarian Plum Dumplings from my friend Elisabeth
Veggie egg nests
I love all the connections I made through blogging. So many wonderful people I'm fortunate to call friends. Thank you all!! 
I also have a surprise for you! Although I've been away for 5 weeks and didn't turn the oven on just yet, I have a delicious recipe sharing with you today

Veggie egg nests
It makes a wonderful brunch and it's so easy to make. Just like 1-2-3 Shall I mention it calls just for a couple ingredients? 

 Please follow me to my friend Sandra's blog for complete recipe 

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