Family Magazine

Vanilla Coated Pretzles with Sprinkles - A Pinterest Story

By Michelle Hernandez @Familylovesa
I love me some Pinterest! I treat it like a search engine when I am looking for creative ideas, recipes, home decor inspiration and even dual language learning. So when my daughter was having her first girl playdate, I decided to find a fun activity for her and her girlfriends...
You see, I have boy/girl twins, and I am hardwired to non-gender specific activities. We have been making a consious effort to give them each some individual attention, so these boards help inspire me to do so...
So, I came across this picture of white chocolate pretzels with sprinkles, and pinned right away.
Vanilla Coated Pretzles with Sprinkles - A Pinterest Story Later, I looked back to see what ingredients they had used or what site it came from, and it was linked to the a Tumblr page, with no pretzels to be found...smh. That is they trickiness of Pinterest. So you may want to check the links before pinning and repinning.
So I took the pretzel situation into my own hands...
While at HEB, I searched for ingredients to put together to make my own candy coated pretzels with sprinkles with the girls! Vanilla Candy Coated Pretzels with Sprinkles This is what I put together: 
  • Mini Twist Pretzels
  • Simply Melt - Vanilla Flavored - Microwaveable in the cup. No mess!
  • Sprinkles 
  • Wax Paper

And this is what we did...
  • Lay down the wax paper first
  • Follow the directions to the T on the Simply Melt, to avoid burning the candy melt. 
  • Dip pretzels
  • Lay on wax paper
  • Sprinkle away
  • Let sit for about 10 minutes and enjoy! 

These also tasted great after being in the refrigerator for a bit.  =)
What do you think? Have you had to take a Pinterest project into your own hands? I'd love to see! 

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