Drink Magazine

Vancouver Craft Beer Week Festival – June 4th, 2017

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

Every year I hope to make it to more Vancouver Craft Beer Week events and every year my schedule gets stupid right at that time. This year I finally made it out to the big festival at the historic PNE Fairgrounds on the second day day on Sunday June 4th, 2047. This was the final day of Craft Beer Week and was a festival of epic scale covering a massive area in the PNE grounds.

Vancouver Craft Beer Week Festival – June 4th, 2017

The festival ran from 1pm to 6pm and hosted 100 craft breweries and cideries with over 300+ beer and cider being poured. For the full list of breweries click here. The tickets were a great value at $39.99 and included 2 drink tokens. More could be purchased for a $1.5 each. Breweries came from not only Canada but also from around the United States and I think there were some from around the world also.

The festival hosted live music also as well as a bunch of food truck options, art installations, market stalls, brewing demonstrations and a game area and barber shop.

With the festival being so spread out it never felt overly busy on the Sunday and I never had to wait more than a minute or two to get a sample of beer. I had to leave early so I don't know if it was this the entire time but I really enjoyed the fact that I could just walk up and get a sample of any beer I wanted without waiting forever in line. I think VCBW might be onto something with this festival and I am glad that I was finally able to make it out to the PNE festival. I would always recommend going to as many events during VCBW as you can but I know not everyone is made of money. If you can only make it to one event you would not be doing yourself a disservice going to this one. Tons of different beers to try with some of the latest breweries that have opened in BC as well as breweries from out of town you may or may not have had the chance to try.

If you have not made it out to VCBW yet then you need to head to their website and bookmark it for next year!

http://vancouvercraftbeerweek.com/ This entry was posted in Tasting Event and tagged bc, beer festival, british columbia, canada, craft beer, craft beer festival, outdoor festival, pacific national exibition grounds, pne, vancouver, vancouver craft beer week, vancouver craft beer week 2017, VCBW, vcbw 2017.

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