Food & Drink Magazine

Valentine’s Day Treats

By Greengirl @GrinGarl

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!

As I’m writing this I’m still have my doubts if I can actually go through the whole Valentine’s dinner.

It’s gonna be our first dinner without Tiffany. We tried a couple of times in the past, unfortunately I panicked and we had to return home.

You must think I’m a little weird like that, I’m not gonna argue with you here.

I know my baby will be safe and I have repeated than million times in my head but somehow I’m scared to leave her with someone else.

Valentine’s Day Treats

Sometimes things don’t turn out the way are supposed to be.

Dinners which got cancelled.

New recipes not being shared because I don’t like the photos (i.e these anise seed cookies and frosted chocolate cookie bars)

And as back luck is following me lately it seems that no matter what settings I do in my dashboard the RSS feed is still updated twice in Google Reader.

Starting next Wednesday i’ll stop using Feedburner. Unfortunately, you’ll have to subscribe once again.

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I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

If you still looking for ideas for Valentine’s day check out these recipes I shared

Chocolate Almond Cookies

Valentine’s Day Treats

Chocolate Dulce de Leche Cupcakes

Valentine’s Day Treats

Pomegranate Chia seed Muffins

Valentine’s Day Treats

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Valentine’s Day Treats

Sending lots of love your way,


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