It’s February 14th, the most romantic day of the year, and our quopics today don’t really need an explanation. If one thing is for sure though in Sookie Stackhouse’s crazy world it is that Eric loves Sookie and Sookie loves Eric. It’s right there on the page and there is nothing anyone else can do about it. So let the viking vampire and telepathic fairy waitress love begin.
“Are you still mad?” I said, trying not to cry. Weeping would be craven, and I was forcing myself some steel into my backbone.
“Do you still love me?” he asked.
“You first”. Childish.
“I’m not angry”, he said. “At least, not anymore. At least not right now. I should have encouraged you to find a way to break the bond, and in fact we have a ritual for it. I should have offered it to you. I was afraid that without it we would be parted, whether because you didn’t want to be dragged into my troubles or because Victor found you were vulnerable. If he chooses to ignore the marriage, without the bond I won’t know that you are in danger”.
“I should have asked you what you thought, or at least warned you what we were going to do”, I said. I took a deep breath. “I do love you, all on my own”.
Dead Reckoning
“Sookie…….Tell her I was born the night she found me and because of her I went to my true death knowing what it means to love. Tell her thank you”.
I wish I was the moon tonight
“I won’t forget the day we met or the day we kissed. The sky may fall and the stars may too, but in the end, I will still love you …”
Source Unknown
Happy Valentine’s Day Eric and Sookie lovers!
Sookie & Eric cartoon source