I´ve been away on a little vacationWe spend a week in the new old house.The weather was perfect.
Trying to get hold of the garden.The weeds had taken over during the last few years.

doing my bestand learning

see these little sprouds...they were my pretty newly planted dahliasuh oh
the snails are eating it all

fighting back though.I emptied all my jars and plastic containers to put over those little sprouds to let them grow a bit.ordered some anti snail stuff ( it only harms the snails - I promise)and hopefully it´ll do it's trick.
it´s already looking better.Hopefully I´ll be able to show some prettydahlias during summer.

the peonies are blooming though

and so were the poppies

I managed to make a little sketch before they were gone.
I spend most of the time fighting the weedsbut managed to make some icads in between too.
I´ll show you some next time.
Tina ♥♥♥