Lifestyle Magazine

V05 Treat Me Right Hair Mask Review

By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd
V05 Treat Me Right Hair Mask Review
First of all, I just want to say that I am so sorry that I have been such a bad blogger recently. I had exams last week and whilst they weren't exactly important, I still wanted to focus on them so my blog had to take a back seat! My hair has definitely been feeling the strain recently and was dry and snapping at the ends, not nice! It was getting really frizzy and I couldn't really find anything to tame it until this came along. 
I posted a while back about the Hot Shots that I had been using, and they really helped my hair but I needed something a bit more intensive to get my hair back to normal. This mask seemed like the perfect answer as it was something I knew I would probably like, having tried the brand before. 
The mask is easy to apply, I use it whilst in the bath or shower, all over my hair for 5 minutes. After using it, my hair feels so much silkier whilst wet, and frizz is noticeably reduced when it is dry. The mask really reduces all the damage and strain that you put on your hair, making it a blank canvas to work on again. 
I'm not sure how much it actually repairs damage but it definitely makes my hair feel so much nicer. Have you tried this, what is your favorite hair mask!

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