
Someone once said to me, “There are veterinarians who happen to do some animal rescue. You are not one of those vets. You are an animal rescuer who just happens to be a veterinarian.“ I believe every animal has a story. I am fortunate enough to be able to share some of them.
Veterinary Rescuer
Someone once said to me, “There are veterinarians who happen to do some animal rescue. You are not one of those vets. You are an animal rescuer who just happens to be a veterinarian.“ I believe every animal has a story. I am fortunate enough to be able to share some of them.
Existential Crisis? Compassion Fatigue? Complicated Grief?
Existential crisis. Compassion fatigue. Complicated grief. When my Mother passed away, I was devastated. Who was I going to call when I did something... Read more
Posted on 03 April 2015 HOME, PETS -
Dear Former Adopter...
Dear Former Adopter, I wanted to share a brief update sent to our rescue group by Fluffy's adopted family after you returned her with only a few short days in... Read more
Posted on 05 March 2015 HOME, PETS -
"I Couldn't Do What You Do."... Then Do Something More!
"I couldn't do what you do." I hate hearing that statement. I think we all do. It is usually stated by an animal lover, when they learn about or discuss our... Read more
Posted on 26 June 2013 HOME, PETS -
A Toast to Foster Homes...
Foster homes. They are a crucial part of animal rescue. They take in a homeless animal and house it until a forever home and family is found for that animal. Read more
Posted on 23 September 2012 HOME, PETS -
A Tail of Two Kitties... Part 3
(Part 3 in a 3 part series: Read Part 1 HERE, and Part 2 HERE.) The phone rang at the animal clinic. The voice on the other end of the line was immediately... Read more
Posted on 12 September 2012 HOME, PETS -
A Tail of Two Kitties...Part 2
(Part 2 in a series, read part 1 Here) We sedated the little kitten, and upon cleansing the wound removed hundreds of fly larvae and pupae that were eating awa... Read more
Posted on 03 August 2012 HOME, PETS -
A Tail of Two Kitties...
It was the best of weeks, it was the worst of weeks. A phone call came into our office about a kitten with a missing leg, would we take a look at it. Read more
Posted on 27 July 2012 DIARIES, PETS, SELF EXPRESSION -
I Cannot Do It All...
In animal rescue, we discover a lot about ourselves. But we also discover a lot about the world, much of which, we dislike and learn to resent. Read more
Posted on 18 January 2012 HOME, PETS -
Legal Vs. Ethical Obligation?
I was at an animal welfare meeting which was attended by veterinarians, shelter employees, rescue volunteers, as well as law enforcement personnel. Read more
Posted on 29 December 2011 HOME, PETS -
The Last One is A Zinger!
Eating supper, Connor turns and asks, "What is this?" I respond, "Kielbasa". "Kielbasa?" He hesitates. "Does it kill people?" We stop at Casey's to pick up a... Read more
Posted on 21 December 2011 HOME, PETS -
No Room At The Inn?
Meet Mario! Mario is an extremely personable kitten. He was found by one of our foster volunteers. She scooped him up and asked if we would take him into our... Read more
Posted on 13 December 2011 HOME, PETS -
Retractable Leashes: The Good and The Bad
Just a few years into my veterinary career, I was driving home from work. It was already dark out. As I drove down the road, I could see the silhouette of a... Read more
Posted on 27 November 2011 HOME, PETS -
A Life Anthem... Won't You Stand Up?
Passion. You have to follow it, pursue it, and use it, in order to keep it. If you ignore your passion, you end up stagnant, uninspired, and quite possibly,... Read more
Posted on 24 November 2011 HOME, PETS -
Seniors Do It Best!
In shelters everywhere, the animals with the least chance for adoption, and often the least chance for survival, never even making it to the adoption floor,... Read more
Posted on 14 November 2011 HOME, PETS -
Iowa Mink Release Fails to Rescue
As I write this blog, an FBI helicopter is humming above our small town. Many will lose sleep to that surprisingly loud flutter tonight if it persists into... Read more
Posted on 10 October 2011 HOME, PETS -
Where Am I?
I am tired. Having experienced some personal tragedies, as well as some rescue related tragedies and dilemmas, I am mentally and physically exhausted. Read more
Posted on 07 October 2011 HOME, PETS -
Dog Holds Vigil by Soldier Companion's Casket
Jon Tumilson was a Navy Seal. Jon Tumilson was an Iowan. Jon Tumilson is a hero. Jon was one of thirty soldiers killed in Afghanistan when the Chinook... Read more
Posted on 01 September 2011 PETS -
Scentsy! Your Purchase Will Help Us RESCUE and Prevent Tail Fires!
Going away to Veterinary School was a big move for me. I had gone "away" to undergrad but was only an hour and forty five minutes away from home at any... Read more
Posted on 31 August 2011 CHARITY, PETS -
Mommy! Look! Mommy! LOOK!!!
We were at the Iowa State Fair on Tuesday. I was on the phone talking to a pediatrician about a cat bite case that led to a rabies quarantine, when my son... Read more
Posted on 19 August 2011 FAMILY, SELF EXPRESSION -
Help From Home...
A young lady that worked at my clinic a few years ago while in high school, has been visiting the clinic lately. Her name is Alexis, and she is close friends... Read more
Posted on 30 July 2011 HOME, PETS