
Not your typical vagabonds, we’re too young to be retired pensioners and too old to be gap-year backpackers. So where do we fit in? We like to think everywhere and nowhere. In truth, we’re just a couple of travel junkies determined to live life on our own terms.
Runaways from an all-consuming corporate world, we got a late start on travel. But once bitten, no cubicle in the world could hold us. It took us five years of solid planning, saving, and re-prioritizing to break free, but we made it. You can too. We’re here to help.
Follow along as we attempt to see everything there is to see, at least once.
Learning to Fly with Skydive Moab
“I don’t think I can do this.” “Gravity will do most of the work. That and our guides who, being strapped to our falling behinds, are every bit as interested... Read more
Posted on 16 August 2012 OUTDOORS, TRAVEL -
Where the Sun Don’t Shine
Cleaved by the Gunnison River over the course of two million years, the Black Canyon in Western Colorado is so deep and narrow that some areas rarely see... Read more
Posted on 13 August 2012 OUTDOORS, TRAVEL -
Because That’s Where The Money Is
It is said that at the height of the gold rush there were more millionaires in Telluride, Colorado, than there were in Manhattan. Read more
Posted on 10 August 2012 OUTDOORS, TRAVEL -
Getting There Is Only Half The Fun
The saying “getting there is half the fun” seems tailor made for Silverton, Colorado. However you choose to get here, be prepared for an incredible travel... Read more
Posted on 08 August 2012 OUTDOORS, TRAVEL