Languages Magazine

User Interfaces & Optical Illusions

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs
image Marsal Gavaldà, Expect Labs’ Director of Research, runs an annual conference in Barcelona that examines a topic at the intersection of technology and culture. This year’s theme focuses on the growing importance of visualizations, and the related areas of user interfaces, the visual arts, and even optical illusions. There’s a certain kind of language that develops the more we use apps on tablets and smartphones. Only a couple of years ago, it was typically very clear what options were available when users interacted with applications. Today, everything is more fluid, so the possibilities that exist in each interface are not as clear. User interfaces have evolved beyond simple drop-down menus, leaving users to wonder whether icons are tappable or slide-able, and what kinds of layers will open up. As a result, users are developing an entirely new skillset as they learn to navigate more complex visual interfaces. Gavaldà’s interest in UI design stems from his work withMindMeld, our iPad app that proactively finds information relevant to a conversation before a user has to search for anything. In addition to voice input, MindMeld integrates touch-based gestures, including swypes, grabs, and highlights — all part of the new class of interaction design that is transforming how we experience our devices. The “Visualizing the World" conference takes place in Barcelona on July 4th and 5thClick here for more details on the full program and how you can attend.     (Image via Akiyoshi Kitaoka. Note: It’s 100% static.) 

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