Before I start telling you all about these 10+ Foods to Improve your Immune System, I'd love to know if you;
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I love exploring into ingredients and food that can potentially give me an instant boost of nutrition and energy. But most importantly taste good and can make me feel good inside and out. The time and care we put into feeding our bodies don't depend much on the quantity but on the quality of food, we choose to put into it.
Time and time again I’ve learned that if you listen to your body, they will lead us to know the type of food and nutrition it needs to feel as it best. ''And while many will try to convince you that choosing store-bought or fast-food is the easiest and more convenient way to feed'', in reality, this is something that can only bring a momentary satisfaction and fulfillment with ‘zero’ nutritional value for the body.
Making a little time every day on preparing and cooking your own food will not only create the habit of eating homemade and the opportunity of knowing the kind of ingredients that are inside the food we are eating but will also provide the body with defenses that can boost our immune system and make it stronger.
Having a good immune system helps the body to be better prepared against infections, germs, illnesses and other attackers that can make us sick. And while there’s a large range of great natural supplements to support the immune system, there’s also food! Powerhouse foods that can potentially improve your immune system.
Hippocrates — Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
So below is a (longish but worth it) list of 10+ delicious foods (plus suggested recipes) for you with lots of health benefits that you can incorporate or if you’re already using some of these foods then you can incorporate ‘more’ into your cooking to give your body and immune system constant endurance.
One of the best ways to implement a few ingredients mentioned in the list below is simply by preparing juices. So here I’m also sharing my Pear + Ginger Juice (my favorite juice combination at the moment) that I really enjoy having in the afternoon or mid-morning.
Try it out, and keep your body nourished!
10+ Delicious Foods to Improve your Immune System
1-Citrus Fruits:
Contains lots of vitamin C, is a natural antioxidant and is one of the important nutrients in the human body. It is great in preventing and battling bacterial, viral infections and perfect for supporting the immune system. Use in juice, teas, dressings, salads, sauces, meats…well, you know…whatever you fancy!
Recipes Including Citrus Fruits:
- Citrus & Chia Energy Drink
- All Season Beets Juice
- Pear and Orange Rosemary Infused Beverage
Ginger is a root that has powerful medicinal properties that have been used for thousands of years in the treatment of different illnesses. Ginger can be consumed fresh, dried as a spice or juiced. Ginger can help your body remove excess of toxins and help against contagious diseases among many other things. Try adding ginger to your juices (like this pear & ginger juice I’m sharing today) teas, water, green tea, orange juice or stir fry in sauces.
Recipes Including Ginger:
- Apple & Ginger Tea
- Spirulina & Apple Smoothie
Broccoli is an amazing vegetable packed with lots of vitamins, fiber, calcium and minerals that can stimulate the immune system and keep it in balance. Broccoli is also great for skin, hair, and nails and it can help in the process of detoxification of the body. Eat broccoli raw (add it into juices), steamed, roasted or grated and combined with rice (check out the suggested recipe below).
Recipe with Broccoli:
- Broccoli Pesto Boost
- Broccoli Green Apple Juice
Turmeric is by far one of my favorite foods! It has such an incredible health benefits that I could make a whole post talking about it! Turmeric contains powerful medicinal properties that can help and benefit your body and health in many ways! It can boost your immune system naturally, help you treat and prevent viral, bacterial infections, inflammation, diabetes, depression, skin and few other things that can improve your general health. Use turmeric in delicious curries (no doubt), teas, add it to milk and juices.
Recipe with Turmeric:
- Turmeric & Garlic Popcorn
- Feel Great Turmeric & Ginger Lemonade
- Vegetarian Egg & Cannellini Stew
- Easy Pumpkin Curry
- Simple Revitalizing Turmeric Tea
5-Fermented Cabbage:
Fermented cabbage can provide natural Probiotics that can instantly strengthen the immune system. And there are a few fun and delicious ways you can implement it! If you want to know more about the benefits of fermented cabbage have a look at the recipes below!
Recipe + How to with Fermented Cabbage:
- How to Fermented Red Cabbage / Natural Probiotics
- How to Eat Fermented Red Cabbage
- Fermented Cabbage + Mango + Spinach Tacos
Berries are packed with antioxidants, fiber, and lots of vitamin c and can help protect cells from damage and also prevent diseases. Have some blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries; add it to your smoothies, toasts, salads, tarts…well, you get the idea just get crazy with berries!
Recipe Including Berries:
- Simple Vegan Chocolate Spread with Fresh Berries
- Berries & Coconut Seeded Crumble
- Delighted Mix Berries Smoothie (included in my free smoothie e-Book)
- Strawberries & Mascarpone: Easy Dessert in Jar
- Strawberry Banana Flavored Milk
7-Raw Coconut Oil:
Raw coconut oil is a rich fatty acid that contains manganese, fiber, copper, potassium among other minerals that can help your body fight against infections and diseases. Using raw coconut oil in your cooking can definitely improve and give great support to your immune system. Substitute regular oil or butter with coconut oil and add some healthy nutrients to your food.
- Substitute regular oil or butter with coconut oil
Besides its aromatic –delicious culinary properties, thyme has also medicinal properties and is a fantastic herb against infections! Thyme has plenty of vitamins a and c and it can also help your digestive system, respiratory system and protect your immune system. Use fresh or dry thyme and combine with other spices to enrich your foods.
- Thyme & Garlic Vinaigrette
9-Apple Cider Vinegar:
Has some potent medicinal properties as well and numerous health benefits that can kill many types of bacteria! Apple cider vinegar can help in the process of natural detoxification, balance pH, relieve allergies, balance blood sugar and add a tremendous boost to your immune system!
The easiest way to include apple cider vinegar: Salads!
10-Carrots, Onions, Celery:
Carrots: strengthen the immune system and cleanse the intestine, helping the digestive system to remove waste substances and sweep with fat or substances stuck in arteries and veins.
Onions: powerful depurative and excellent remedy to combat infections. Eating two tablespoons of raw onion after eating will help eliminate any harmful substance and discharge intestines quickly.
Celery: is a great antioxidant and has vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that detoxify the body, protect the liver, and help against infections and microbes. So this vegetable is, without doubt, a keeper! Use stalks and leaves, add it to juices, salads, stews, and stir-fries!
Recipes Including these Vegetables:
- Simple Carrot Cake
- Chickpea & Vegetables Lettuce Wraps
- Cauliflower & Pumpkin Risotto
2 Medium Pears, peeled
1 Celery Stalk + Leaves
Thumb-Size Piece of Fresh Ginger or about 1/2 tsp. ground ginger 200 ml Clean Water or Coconut Water 1 Medium Lemon, peeled 1/2 Large Cucumber Preparation: Add all ingredients in a blender. Blend until you get a smooth but semi-thick consistency. Serve and enjoy!