I cannot believe how much time it was since my last post but I am very happy to be back on time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. And there is no better way to do it than joining the Planty Wishes challenge of the Urban Jungle Bloggers community! We won't be spending these holidays at home as we will join my family in Italy but I managed to get some shots of our essential Christmas decorations for this year (have a look to my holidays inspirations here).

Christmas has always been an amazing time for me since I was very young: I used to put on my wellies and go for hunting in the family nursery and its surroundings and coming back with berries, fresh branches and funny things that I would decorate with ribbons and gold hues. In the older age (oh my..), I shifted from ribbons to a more minimal greenery style but foraging is still the best and funniest part of this. I have to go know for long strolls outside Barcelona ( and get my hubby's car a mess- which his allergy and himself are always grateful for...) but it was so special to do it this year as a family for the first time.

This was such a crazy year and, undoubtedly, the most amazing one as we welcome our little Bianca into our hearts and home. I hope to be able to share with you some moments here soon.

In the meanwhile, let me wish you all a wonderful Christmas time and a 2016 full of love, peace and happiness. A special thanks to dearest Igor and Judith, who created an amazing green hearts community.

Until my next post - that I promise will come much sooner -, let's keep in touch in Instagram!

All images © facing north with gracia