The Yucca desmettiana that lives on the gray sandstone pot on the pillar by the entrance to the koi pond section has been living upside down for months, since the latter part of last winter. It keeled over after experiencing days of strong winds and was left like that until we had the time to sort it out.
Last week was the time...
I wasn't that surprised that it fell over, seeming as it has a habit of crawling or 'snaking away' as it grows, like this clump we saw at Barcelona Botanical Garden early last year.
Yucca desmettiana
With it being top heavy it was easy enough for it to catch the strong winds and fall over.It was reasonably well rooted but the way to move forward was to try to reroot it higher up on its existing trunk. So it was reburied much deeper. Cross fingers it will re-root and re-establish itself.
Voila! It's to one side I but quite like it like that!
If it does it should be fine where it is for a few more years, until it gets tall enough again to catch the strong winds and fall all over again.For now it is secure. And besides Twinkles Is keeping a close guard of it!
Mark :-)