I have been working on a few design jobs and I’m loving it! I was the Creative Director for Wine Country Weddings Magazine once again for the Fall 2012 issue. I worked with a great team of editors and designers all headed by, the sweet, Autumn Millhouse. From the photos and text they sent I laid out magazine spreads of some pretty cool weddings and anything to do with weddings. Most of the new additions are from the Spring, since I worked on the designs more for that issue. Even though she is in the Napa Valley and I’m in Atlanta, GA, it worked out great with me being 3 hours ahead of schedule. After I worked some InDesign magic with layout and hyperlinks I uploaded the whole magazine to issuu.com so they could post it on there site. Issuu is quite cool to work with and the best part it’s free. Enjoy the eight new designs for my Graphic Design portfolio and let me know what you think!