Chemistry Magazine

Updates on This Blog and Future Developments

Posted on the 12 February 2020 by Ewong0117
Dear readers,
Firstly, I would like to thank you all for the many years of supporting this website, whether it's for your own studies or for your students. I know there are many educators who are using this website as well.
I started this website using blogger on the second day of 2012, and fast forward, it's more than 8 years. Over the years, I have written notes and how to answer the questions for O level Chemistry, with a focus on those tested in Singapore. Subsequently, I have also added a question bank with quizzes and tests on various topics. In 2018, I tried to put the content in Apps, with each App being a single topic. However, the download rate was low. Nonetheless, I received valuable feedback from users, which I would implement if I were to get into App development in the future.
In recent years, I have put more time into one- to- one lesson, and other projects. Consequently, I have not been updating this website as much as I hope to. However, I still believe online is the way forward for education in the future. If you notice, I have set up a parent page --- Emily Learning which is a consolidation of all the resources I had created (not only on Chemistry). 
I need a favor from you. I really want to improve this website as well as Emily Learning to make it even more useful to you. To do so, I would like feedback from you. Please help me with the 10 minutes feedback here.
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I look forward to providing you with an even better web experience in the future.
Thank you so much!

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