Lifestyle Magazine
A lot of you have probably already seen, but UNSTITCHEDD has had a new facelift and I wanted to do a post to tell you all about it. I've been wanting to redesign this little slice of the web for a while now, after growing bored with the old design, as I just didn't feel that it was working for me anymore, but thinking of a new direction to take it proved very difficult. When Chaitra from PinkPot (who I'm sure many of you already know and love - if not, check her out!) contacted me asking if I wanted any help, I leapt at the chance and little by little it turned into a whole blog makeover, rather than a few little tweaks which we both thought it would be at the beginning! I can't thank her enough for the patience that she has shown me, coping with my (possibly quite demanding) view of how I wanted it to be, but I love how all the little touches that she added and how it has all come together. THANK YOU CHAITRA!
I would describe the design as minimalistic with a few quirky and arty twists, which suits me down to a tee and I could be happier to have this new home on the web and I'm hoping that it will help me turn a new leaf and get reinspired with blogging. So much has changed since my last design, and I couldn't be happier with the progress that this little blog has made, from improving my own skills such as photography to getting offered some amazing opportunities, but of course, I couldn't have done any of it with you, whose constant support has served as amazing inspiration. Chaitra has set up a shop selling these designs, which I'm so excited about for her and I'll be sure to tell you can find it here - definitely go and check it out!
I really hope you like the new design, and I'm thinking of selling my old one, so please get in touch if you want it ([email protected])