Hellooo shimmers,
These are my top ten tips for staring university from my experience. Everyone will be different but these are my top tips.
1.Don't worry. Everyone the first few days were worried about making friends, fitting in, but honestly it works out in the end and you just have to enjoy yourself, the more you relax the more you are likely to be yourself.
2. Be yourself. Once freshers week finished people changed, people were obviously trying to fit in and pretending to be some they weren't but it doesn't work. Be yourself and trust me people will like you for who you are. (Don't do something you are uncomfortable with)
3. Be organised. Between your room, washing, eating and course work keep yourself organised. A diary is a must and also post-it notes! You have to keep on top of everything and make sure you have enough time to eat, you need to keep your energy up.
Keep your room tidy and organised
4. Be Involved. Whether its having a conversation with your flat mate, going for lunch, going out at night, or joining societies, keep yourself involved, its the best way to meet people who are like minded.
Climbed Arthurs seat at sunrise (6am) with a group of girls
5. Be strong. It is normal to feel homesick, it a big change and takes a while to get use to. Talk to family and friends from home it does help. Also Skype/facetime is so good and a must have if you are far away and wont get to see them often.
6. Eat! If you are out partying (aka drinking) you have to make sure you eat properly. Also its a big change and you need your energy levels to stay up and allow you to survive the action packed first week of university!
They are my top tips, these are sort of based around some questions of looking for tips, advice but if there is any thing specific please just leave a comment below I will happily answer them all.
Laura x
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