Life Coach Magazine

Underwater Sculptures That Will Amaze You

By Zeusdreamcaster @rhmadi

I was surfing the net when I came across these beautiful images for underwater sculptures that will awe you!

Truly beautiful and majestic


A starfish attracted to the beauty of this statue representing a nun

A starfish attracted to the beauty of this statue representing a nun

Look at all those faces!

Look at all those faces!

So what do we have here? I can't really tell

So what do we have here? I can’t really tell

Faith, even at the bottom of the sea!

Faith, even at the bottom of the sea!

Eating hamburgers and watching TV is also being done under seas!

Eating hamburgers and watching TV is also being done under seas!


I will call this one the Seashells Guy \m/

I will call this one the Seashells Guy \m/

Inspiration for writing is also present down there!

Inspiration for writing is also present down there!

And this is the sculpture putting the final touches on his masterpiece.

And this is the sculpture putting the final touches on his masterpiece.

Stay tuned for more awesome pics from all over the globe!

Blessed Be )O(


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