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Undergraduate Communication Requirement - MIT

By Darthclavie @DarthClavie
Date: 2017-04-04 18:47 More videos "Freshman essay evaluation mit admissions"

Concentration. Each student should designate a field of concentration, in consultation with a designated advisor in the field, by submitting a Concentration Proposal Form no later than the end of the first week of classes in the second term of junior year. Concentration requirements are set by each field and consist of either three or four subjects. One of the subjects that counts toward the distribution may also be designated as a concentration subject with the permission of the concentration advisor. Upon completion of all of the subjects noted on the Proposal Form, each student should submit a Concentration Completion Form no later than the end of the first week of classes of the final term prior to graduation. For more information, visit the HASS Requirement website.

General Institute Requirements < MIT

I am a big fan of traditional advising, which just makes it so that your advisor is there for you when you need them, if you need them, and same with your associate advisor. But all in all, your biggest source of information will be the upperclassmen on campus that you live with, work with, eat with, and are friends with. So come talk to us, we don t bite! And feel free to ask me questions anytime - comment below or come visit me during rush in East Campus! I ll dye your head a strange color! Or all the colors!

MIT Class of 2020: Freshman Advising

The General Institute Requirements include a Communication Requirement that is integrated into both the HASS Requirement and the requirements of each major see details below.

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Advanced Placement credit cannot be used to satisfy any part of the HASS Requirement. If you receive a score of 5 on the College Board Advanced Placement tests listed below, you will receive 9 general elective units for each exam, applicable as unrestricted electives only. (For scores lower than 5, no credit is awarded.)

These subjects are taken from among REST subjects, Institute Laboratory subjects, and/or HASS subjects. Each degree chart specifies how GIR subjects are integrated into the program. Most programs include an overlap of 86 units, or three subjects.

The FEE is offered once in early June and once in July you will have three days to do the readings and three more days to write the essays, which are submitted online. Advance registration is required and opens on May 6. You may only take the online FEE once. This year, the FEE will be offered from June 7 - June 5, 7567 (June FEE) and from July 7 -65, 7567 (July FEE). See this year 8767 s dates and deadlines here.

The reason why this is how it is and the way it has always be done is because we want to have prefrosh for as long as possible, and there must always be a freshman class, and while sophomores become juniors and juniors become seniors and seniors become crufty, sophomores don t need to be conserved. Only you, the prefrosh or frosh of MIT, must be conserved.

Electives. The remainder of the eight-subject requirement, above and beyond the Distribution and Concentration, may be fulfilled by subjects from any distribution category or by subjects that are designated as HASS electives.

Use Pass/No Record to your advantage by seeing how much you can handle on your plate in addition to your classes. Join a club sport or class council or rush a fraternity (and steal all their food and then come to East Campus) and use this time to become close with the people around you. Watch how you can allocate your time to still do well in your classes while being involved on campus, and make sure that you are not overcommitting to too much.

HASS Information. For detailed information on distribution subjects and on the concentration requirements in any field, and for assistance with any aspect of the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Requirement, including petitioning for a substitution, visit the HASS Requirement website. Students may also contact the Office of the HASS Requirement to discuss their individual circumstances.

Undergraduate Communication Requirement - MIT

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