You may notice I tweet about New York regularly. I do--I've fallen into a whole new kind of love with the city since moving an ocean away—and yet I don’t necessarily long for my life there, at least not my former one. The hardest days, weeks, months never became blog posts, but they happened, and they kinda sucked. It was a tumultuous post-college experience. I thoroughly struggled with figuring out what the heck I wanted in this life (personally and professionally) and how the hell I was going to make it happen.
What made it infinitely

But I do miss home. I miss the warmth and friendliness of American culture. I miss family dinners and endless chats with friends. I miss those who truly know me, and love me unconditionally anyway. I miss pizza dates. And gosh, do I miss boozy brunches.

This post was inspired by Rachel's Expat Diaries.