“When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.”–W. Clement Stone
We are all subject to discouragement, there will always be set-backs and times when things just don’t go as planned! You have to remain focused so as not to allow these times to become a distraction from reaching the goals that you have set for yourself! Excitement and enthusiasm are very contagious, almost as much as are gloom, doom and discouragement! It all starts up there in your noggin! It is important that you keep your eyes on the positive outcome that you are shooting for rather than to get down and in the dumps once you hit a problem or difficulty!
People like excitement and so they enjoy being around others that are going somewhere and are able to emulate that enthusiasm which can be contagious! Not everyone possesses this gift of enthusiasm as it comes more “natural” to be “realistic” and accept defeat, but it takes a real visionary to remain positive even in the midst of a storm! I work with a fellow in Italy who has this gift and charisma! If you know Italy and just how difficult the government makes it to be successful through its tangled web of bureaucracy, then you would be amazed at anyone who can stay positive, especially in today’s economic climate!
My dear friend and entrepreneur surprises me with his upbeat attitude and umption and gumption, even in the face of what most of us would see as a disaster and be tempted to turn tail and run! But, let me tell you, this fellow despite the difficulties, the lack of formal education in his realm of business, he has been very successful and this is thanks, in large part, to his positive and enthusiastic disposition! I know for a fact that he doesn’t always feel like being positive, but the fact that he is able to turn a negative situation into a positive outcome has been proof to me that staying positive is very important and can mean the difference between success and failure!
Do you have umption and gumption and get up and go?