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Ummm, Say What?

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt
Ummm, say what? I don't know what's going on lately, but my breath has been taken away four times in the past week. One, two, three (on the way), and now this. My heart started racing as I started clicking through Lyndie Dourthe's site. She has created the most wondrous little beauties I've ever seen and these little guys are made of paper. PAPER! And you know I'm a sucker for paper AND flowers. I die. I've been planning on doing more experiments with dying and painting onto flowers and now I realize that I should have. Can I still? Ummm, say what? The packaging! Ummm, say what? Ummm, say what? Check out all of her magical beauties here, but get out your Google translate or rack your brain from Mme Macy's high school class 'cuz it's all in French.
via 100 Layer Cake

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