Hair & Beauty Magazine

Types of THC Vape Pens

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

The concept of trying THC vape pens can itself be exciting, isn't it? It is like an extra layer that will get you high without having to smoke. Moreover, since it is vapor, you can be assured that the side effects will not be that bad.

Over the years, as the popularity of vaping grows, more and more people are turning to THC vape pens. Comparatively, the younger generation is looking more towards the use of THC vape pens. Apparently, these seem to be 'cooler' and in trend.

But do you know there's more than one THC vape pen that you can try? No? Well, let's find out more about them.

Types of THC Vape Pens in the Market

The THC vape pens vaporizes the THC, thereby allowing you to get high. What's more surprising about THC vape pens is that they resemble the general cylindrical pens but do not function the same. Now that there are different types of THC pens, they will vaporize differently depending on how you're using them.

Some of the popular THC vape pens that you can find in the market and use at your convenience are as follows:

1. Vape Pens

These are the regular vaping pens for THC. It contains an oil cartridge and a battery. The cartridge usually holds the THC. The battery in the THC vape pens is rechargeable when the cartridge is empty. You can also find single-use vape pens in the market that are disposable. These single-use vape pens will last as long as the battery.

When you're using these THC vape pens, it is important that you choose only high-quality THC products. Even if the THC concentration isn't too high, it shouldn't be of poor or bad quality. This is mostly because using poor-quality products would mean that they are unsafe for inhalation. Before you buy the specific THC oil for your vape pens, make sure that you're reading the guidelines and only purchasing them from licensed dispensaries.

2. Dab Pens

Dab pens may appear to be new to many, but it has been in the market for quite some time now. The dab pens mostly use THC concentrates and need some extra power for smooth and efficient operation. When you're using the dab pens, you will have to keep the concentrate in the chamber, reassemble it, and then use it.

Dab pens are slightly complicated to use. So, if you're a beginner, you may want to avoid the use of dab pens. Nonetheless, comparatively, the dab pens are safer and portable. Compared to the regular THC vape pens, the dab pens reach a higher temperature. The only thing to be very careful about dab pens is that they need regular maintenance to ensure they last long.

3. Flower Vape Pens

As the name suggests, the flower vape pens are used for vaporizing cannabis flowers. You can choose the THC flowers, vaporize them in the flower vape pens, and use them. Flower vaporizers usually play an important role in enhancing the overall experience.

The flower vape pens are extremely easy to use, and you wouldn't have to undergo the pain of crushing or rolling the joint. However, it is important to provide regular maintenance to the flower vape pens. Thus, after smoking, you should remove the leftover plant material to prevent any damage to these THC vape pens.


Each of these types of THC vape pens has its pros and cons. Therefore, when you choose one for yourself, it is crucial that you do some research about it. Especially if you're a beginner, you should start with the easy ones, which is why you can choose the regular THC vape pens. Not only are these easy to use, but they are also easy to maintain. However, once you've learned how to use it, you can move to the more complex ones like dab pens or flower vape pens.

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