"Angkus" is a greedy duck, he is also boastfull, lazy and bad tempered. He is never kind to his fellow. Even with his own brother, "Angma". Once Angkustook and sold all thepossession, the parents who hadpassed a way.Contrary to Angkus, Angma is a young honest duck. He is dilligent, hardworker and very kind to others. He stayed alone in a simple life by looking forfire wood in the forest to sell.One night, after working, he couldn't wait to sleep, while he was sleepinghe dreamed about an old man. The old man ordered him to come to acave inthe forest. The old man also said that all of Angma'swill were going to cometrue. When he was awake, he thought that he had to decide to do what the oldman in his dream had asked him to do. Angma directly went to walk along inthe forest and looked for the cave like it was in his dream."Well, this must be the cave like it was in my dream", he whispered.He walked toward the cave quickly and got into it.It was very dark inside but suddenly he saw somethingshining not farfrom him. To his surprise, it was awater pitcher but shining like a diamond."What is it? I have never seen something like it is before!", he said to himself.Then he took it home. When he had been inside the house he was veryhungry andthirsty after a long walk.Later, Angma said slowly, "How happy I am when I have a lot of food,corn and fresh water in such ahot weather". Suddenly the water pitcher produced soundstrangely. It wasmiraculous!, the water pitcher produced somefood. It came out from the water pitcher! It could deliver corn, fresh water andother from inside by saying words only!Since then Angina's life became more wealthy. He just said some wordsthen what hedesired would come true because of the water pitcher.Mean while, Angkus was suspious to see the wealth of his brother. Hedecided to find out what had made his brother wealthy in such a short time.Froma peep hole, Angkus finally knew what had happened to his brother.His bad behavior rose again to see this, so that he decided tosteal the waterpitcher of his brother's. He would like to try to do like what his brother Angmahad done.No sooner had he put the water pitcher on the table than he said to it,"Hey water pitcher, you must give me some corn, fresh water and others".What happened then, the water pitcher produced corn ina great amount! A great amount of corn and water came out from inside the magic water pitcher.Angkus panicked to see it. The seed of corn flooded his house and broke everything. He screamed loudly and asked for help, "Help! help!", he shouted. Angma was sleeping when it happened but suddenly he wasa waken up after hearing a loud voice from his brother's house.Angma wake up, went to see what had happened. He broke the door of hisbrother's house then he was surprised to find his brotheralmost sink ina huge pile of corn seed and water.Angkus was veryshy to see his brother and after he was safe, Angkus saidto his brother that he had stolen the water pitcher, but itreacted uncontrolably.Finally Angkus apologized to Angma for being so greedy and jealous. Terjemahan.......