TV & Video Magazine’s Battle of the True Blood Poster’s Final Four

Posted on the 17 November 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

The holidays are right around the corner… which means the start of filming is not that far off either. Which is good and bad at the same time since we all will be scouring for hints on what may be in store for us… because we really won’t know what it will mean till the season airs during the summer. Waiting really does suck.

In the meantime to help distract us from the waiting and to have some fun, the folks over at tv.dom have been hosting a battle of the True Blood posters and they are up to the Final 4!

Their contenders are

tvdotcom combined S4
tvdotcom Eric S2 hurts so good




tvdotcom S1
tvdotcom S3 cast


Its a tough choice, but I think we are up for the challenge. Click here to vote!

And I love the idea of a tournament. We should think about hosting one of our own… *innocent look*

Stay tuned!


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