Gossip Girl
Originally Shown On: The CWFormat: NetflixNumber of Seasons: 6
Summary: Privileged teens living on the Upper East Side are just living their lives, but not without their secrets being blasted on a blog known as Gossip Girl.
My Thoughts: And I thought New York wasn't much more than the Statue of Liberty. How could I forget the lies, sex, scandal and underage drinking?Because of the fact that I watched all these episodes in about 3 weeks, I'm going to break this review down by season because unfortunately: some were better than others. Overall, I really did like the show. I was involved in all the character's lives even though some of them I wanted hit by a bus for their reckless choices and behavior. I know it's not realistic at all and you can tell this by the way the characters act, but they're so frustrating because THEY JUST WON'T DO THE RIGHT THING...EVER! And so, here we go.Season One: Here is where we're introduced to all the characters: the infamous Serena van der Woodsen, the poor yet privileged Dan and Jenny Humphrey, the Queen herself, Blair Waldorf, the womanizing Chuck Bass and everyone's good boy Nate Archibald. We even meet the couple of adults that really aren't involved in their children's lives, but yet so important to have their own story lines: Lily van der Woodsen, Rufus Humprey and good ole Dorota. This season the main issue is: Who is Gossip Girl? and because this reminded me a little of Pretty Little Liars, I was automatically sucked into the lives of the privileged Upper East Siders. I fell in love with everyone (yes even Blair) and time after time, the people did shitty things to each other, but they forgave each other and so did I. I unconsciously shipped all the couples I wished to happen over and over again after they got together and broke up. Season One is one that fill suck you in until the very in. I must say this is one of my favorites, but it doesn't come without problems. Ie: The situations they were put in were outrageous and over the top. It was a bit annoying. Sorry.Season Two: Season Two was just about the same to me as Season One. Although, we saw more and more of the different sides of the characters. It was still, oh so, over the top. The plots and schemes were dialed down, but these things just don't happen. So, not my favorite.Season Three: Season Three, however, was my favorite(Well, tied with Season Four)! Not for a giant reason. The show did not drastically change, but now you could see the change in the characters all because of the Upper East Side. The main person who made the show this season for me was none other than the heavy eye makeuped Jenny. She was crazy and intense, but in a realistic way. I mean, I can actually see why she did some of the things she did, unlike just about everyone else in the show. There were new characters all around and some things were explained that I really needed to know because the last two seasons kind of just left me with a lot of questions. This answered some though. Oh and can we talk about William's return. I didn't see what he'd done coming, but again: It's Gossip Girl. Season Four: I stated before that Season 3 and 4 were tied for being my favorite. I liked Season 3 because of Little J being my daily source of relatable drama, but Season 4 was my favorite because of the fantastic character development. Less more about Gossip Girl and more about the characters doing more and more messed up things to each other, you could see the real evil in some of those you'd loved before and the good in those who were supposed to come off a despicable. Ie: Season 4 made me hate Serena Van Der Woodsen. Episode after episode I watched her do terrible things and I desperately wanted her to do better things, but no, she didn't! The fact that I was so enveloped in the character's lives was the icing on the cake that this was hands down the best season.Season Five: Drama, drama and more drama. This season was nothing but typing up loose ends and such and I must say that this was one of the most frustrating seasons of all of them. Season 4 had great character development and this one basically closed the casket on everyone's personalities. Episode after episode I wanted to rip my eyes out, but I kept watching. Why? I honestly don't know. Was it Ivy? Was it Dan and Blair finally getting together? Or maybe was it me hoping that Serena would finally get what she deserved? Not only that, but her mother, too. But no, Gossip Girl will never let anything bad happen to Serena without everyone flocking to her. Nope!Season Six: Such a grand ending that is the mother of all series finales. This season is the shortest of them all and here we finally figure out who Gossip Girl is. And that was the biggest cop-out I've ever seen in the world. Why? WHY? I mean, it could've been more unexpected, but I saw it coming from a mile away. The worst part is the reason I didn't love the show was because no ones actions got any consequences at all! NO ONE GOT WHAT THEY DESERVED and in the end when they found out who Gossip Girl was....THEY FORGAVE THEM! Like, seriously? The ending to what I've spent all my winter break sucked up in was a bit unsatisfying, but in a way, after thinking about it, I'm okay with it because there's not much I can do about it. It's the end, plus who doesn't enjoy seeing a season of Georgina Sparks. The cameos from Kristen Bell and Rachel Bilson were great as well. It was a sufficient finale, but it could've been better.So all I can do is suck it up and hope that real people aren't like this because if there are....SEND THEM TO PRISON NOW. XOXO Kandee K